Mvondo Djob

Associate Professor, IRISA laboratory
ESIR - University of Rennes, France

I am an associate professor at the University of Rennes, France. Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the ICSA laboratory of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, working with Antonio Barbalace. I recently obtained my Ph.D. in computer science at the LIG laboratory of the University of Grenoble Alpes, France, under the supervision of Prof. Noel De Palma and Prof. Alain Tchana. My research interests include virtualization, cloud computing , and operating systems. Check out my CV.

Currently looking for motivated M2 students for 6 months internships and Ph.D. students (3-year funded contract)

[Current students]
  • Honore Cesaire Mounah, co-advised with Yérom-David Bromberg (University of Rennes) and Julia Lawall (Inria), 3rd-year Ph.D. student
  • Adrien Gegout, co-advised with Davide Frey (Inria), Pascal Manchon (Blacknut), and Eric L'Hostis (Blacknut), 2nd-year Ph.D. student
  • Amélie Gonzalez, co-advised with Yérom-David Bromberg (University of Rennes) and Julia Lawall (Inria), 2nd-year Ph.D. student
  • Opale Duvivier, co-advised with Yérom-David Bromberg (University of Rennes) and Nicolas LeScouarnec (Broadpeak), 2nd-year Ph.D. student
  • Adrien Gegout, co-advised with Davide Frey (Inria) and Pascal Manchon (Blacknut), 2nd-year Ph.D. student
  • Caleb Fonyuy Asheri , co-advised with Yerom-David Bromberg (University of Rennes), Renaud Lachaize, and Alain Tchana (University of Grenoble Alpes)
  • Victoire Nganfang, co-advised with Yérom-David Bromberg (University of Rennes) and Valerio Schiovani (University of Neuchatel), 1st year Ph.D student
  • Lafortune Stella Tchoutcha Sandjong, Research Engineer
  • Wilson Waha, Research Engineer
  • Hugo Bertin, co-advised with Yérom-David Bromberg (University of Rennes) and Marc Dacier (KAUST), Research Engineer

[Latest News]
  • [Dec'24] Our paper DiSC: Backpressure Mitigation In Multi-tier Applications With Distributed Shared Connection has been accepted at NSDI 2025 fall cycle (Acceptance rate: 13.71%)
  • [Sep'24] 2 papers, UTwinVM and HORSE, conditionally accepted at MIDDLEWARE 2024 spring cycle (Acceptance rate: 23.4%).
  • [Sep'23] Our paper BASALT: A Rock-Solid Byzantine-Tolerant Peer Sampling for Very Large Decentralized Networks has been conditionally accepted at MIDDLEWARE'23. Congrats Alex.
  • [Sep'23] Our paper Takeaways of implementing a Native Rust UDP Tunneling Network Driver in the Linux kernel has been conditionally accepted at PLOS'23 . Congrats to Amélie.
  • [Jul'23] Delighted to get a 300K€ research grant from the French National Research Agency 2023 Young researcher program
  • [Mar'23] Delighted to serve as a PC member for the SESAME workshop 2023 , the 1st Workshop on SErverless Systems, Applications and MEthodologies that will be colocated with EUROSYS'23
  • [Nov'22] Delighted to receive 40K€ from Rennes Metropole Youth Researcher Grant for my project around heterogeneous CPU architectures
  • [Nov'22] Delighted to serve as a PC member for MIDDLEWARE 2023
  • [Sep'22] Invited to the weekly technical talks of Roberto Bifulco group at the NEC Laboratory GmbH. Thanks to Simon Kuenzer for the invitation.
  • [Jul'22] Delighted to serve as a PC member and session chair for the COMPAS 2022 conference at Amiens (5-8 July 2022).
  • [Apr'22] Organizing a hackathon on Unikraft at Lyon (14-15 May 2022), with Alain Tchana and Renaud Lachaize . You can join remotely or physically.
  • [Apr'22] Delighted to serve as a PC member for EUROSYS 2023 .
  • [Dec'21] Delighted to serve as a PC member for SPMA'22, colocated with Eurosys'22
  • [Nov'21] Invited as a speaker at the JRI 2021 conference.
  • [Oct'21] Delighted to serve as Eurosys'22 Poster Co-chair alongside Romain Rouvoy
  • [Aug'21] Got an Associate Professor position at the University of Rennes 1 to work at the IRISA lab within the WIDE Team
  • [Aug'21] Our paper Tell me when you are sleepy and what may wake you up! has been accepted at SOCC 2021 (Acceptance rate: 31.73%)
  • [Aug'21] Delighted to serve in the 2021 SOSP Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC)
  • [May'21] Honored to receive the 2021 Thesis Prize from ASF and GDR RSD . More details here
  • [Feb'21] Our paper Extending Intel PML for Hardware-Assisted Working Set Size Estimation of VMs has been accepted at VEE'21
  • [Jan'21] Our paper FaaSCache: an opportunistic free caching system for FaaS platforms has been conditionally accepted at EUROSYS'21
  • [Dec'20] Started a postdoctoral research position at the ICSA laboratory of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • [Dec'20] Successfully defended my Ph.D. Checkout the defense here.
  • [Nov'20] Excited to chair Session 5 at the Journées Cloud 2020
  • [Aug '20] Delighted to serve in the 2020 OSDI Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC)
  • [Jul '20] Gave a talk at DSN 2020 (online session). Checkout the slides and paper preprint.
  • [Jun '20] Serves in the Social Media Team for EUROSYS'21 alongside Kostis Kaffes, Iacovos Kolokasis, and Vijay Chidambaram.
  • [Mar '20] Our paper Fine-Grained Fault Tolerance For Resilient pVM-based Virtual Machine Monitors has been accepted at DSN 2020 (Acceptance rate: 16.5%)
  • [Feb 20] Gave a talk at Grascomp-Eurosys Joint Workshop 2020 on our ongoing work FaasCache: Speeding Function As a Service Execution Times
  • [Nov '19] Serves on the Shadow Program Commitee (SPC) of the 2020 European Cenference on Computer Systems (Eurosys 2020)
  • [Oct '19] Gave a talk at MASCOTS 2019 on our paper Closer: a new design principle for the privileged VM ( Slides and paper preprint)
  • [Sep '19] Serves as a sub-reviewer for the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2019)
  • [Jul '19] Our paper Closer: a new design principle for the privileged VM has been accepted at MASCOTS 2019 (Acceptance rate : 23.19%)
  • [Apr '19] Gave a talk at INFOCOM 2019 on our paper Memory flipping: a threat to NUMA virtual machines in the Cloud ( paper )
  • [Feb '19] Gave a talk at GDR RSD and ASF Winter School 2019 on the privileged VM resilience in virtualization systems
  • [Nov '18] Our paper Memory flipping: a threat to NUMA virtual machines in the Cloud has been accepted at INFOCOM 2019 (Acceptance rate: 19.6%)
  • [Dec '18] Our paper When Extended Para-Virtualization (XPV) Meets Numa has been accepted at EUROSYS 2019 - ( paper ) (Acceptance rate: 21.7%)
  • [Jun '18] Gave a talk at COMPAS 2018 on the effects of memory flipping on NUMA architectures. (pdf, Slides)


International Conferences & Workshops

DiSC: Backpressure Mitigation In Multi-tier Applications With Distributed Shared Connection

Brice Ekane, Djob Mvondo, Renaud Lachaize, Yérom-David Bromberg, Alain Tchana, Daniel Hagimont

Preprint coming soon.


𝑈𝑇𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑉𝑀: Reliable hints on the effects of hypervisor updates on VMs in the Cloud

Djob Mvondo, Tong Xing, Antonio Barbalace

Preprint coming soon.


HORSE: Ultra-low latency workloads on FaaS platforms

Djob Mvondo, Francois Taiani, Yerom-David Bromberg

Preprint coming soon.


BASALT: A Rock-Solid Byzantine-Tolerant Peer Sampling for Very Large Decentralized Networks

Alex Auvolat, Yérom-David Bromberg, Djob Mvondo, Davide Frey, Francois Taiani

Available as PDF , CODE


Takeaways of implementing a Native Rust UDP Tunneling Network Driver in the Linux kernel!

Amélie Gonzalez, Djob Mvondo , Yérom David Bromberg

Available as PDF


Tell me when you are sleepy and what may wake you up!

Djob Mvondo , Antonio Barbalace, Alain Tchana, Gilles Muller

Available as: PDF , Slides


Extending Intel PML for Hardware-Assisted Working Set Size Estimation of VMs

Stella Bitchebe, Djob Mvondo , Alain Tchana, Laurent Réveillère, Noel De Palma


FaaSCache: an opportunistic free caching system for FaaS platforms

Djob Mvondo , Mathieu Bacou, Kevin Nguetchouang, Lucien Ngale, Stephane Pouget, Josiane Kouam, Renaud Lachaize, Jinho Hwang, Tim Wood, Daniel Hagimont, Noel De Palma, Batchakui Bernabé, Alain Tchana

Available as: PDF, Slides, Code


Fine-Grained Fault Tolerance For Resilient pVM-based Virtual Machine Monitors

Djob Mvondo , Alain Tchana, Renaud Lachaize, Daniel Hagimont, Noël De Palma

Available as: PDF, Slides , Code


Closer: A new design principle for the privileged virtual machine OS

Djob Mvondo, Boris Teabe, Alain Tchana, Daniel Hagimont, Noel De Palma

Available as: PDF, Slides


Memory flipping: a threat to NUMA virtual machines in the Cloud

Djob Mvondo, Boris Teabe, Alain Tchana, Daniel Hagimont, Noel De Palma

Available as: PDF,Slides, Code


When eXtended Para - Virtualization (XPV) Meets NUMA

Vo Quoc Bao Bui, Djob Mvondo, Boris Teabe, Kevin Jiokeng, Patrick Lavoisier Wapet, Alain Tchana, Gaël Thomas, Daniel Hagimont, Gilles Muller, Noel De Palma

Available as: PDF, Video, Code


National Conferences

FaaSCache: Système de cache mémoire opportuniste et sans surcoûts pour le FaaS

Kevin Nguetchouang, Lucien Ngale, Stephane Pouget, Djob Mvondo, Mathieu Bacou, Renaud Lachaize

Journées Cloud 2020
Hardware Assisted Virtual Machine Page Tracking

Stella Bitchebe, Djob Mvondo, Alain Tchana, Laurent Réveillère, Noel De Palma

SGX Performance Improvement Using A Smart Function Colocation Algorithm

Eric Mugnier, Barbe Thystère Mvondo Djob and Alain Tchana

Memory Flipping: How NUMA affects virtual machines ?

Djob Mvondo, Boris Teabe, Daniel Hagimont, Noel De Palma



Type I vs Type II Hypervisors: Let's End the Battle !

Stella Bitchebe, Djob Mvondo, Alain Tchana, Noel De Palma

Hardware Assisted Virtual Machine Page Tracking

Stella Bitchebe, Djob Mvondo, Alain Tchana, Laurent Réveillère, Noel De Palma

When eXtended Para - Virtualization (XPV) Meets NUMA

Vo Quoc Bao Bui, Djob Mvondo, Boris Teabe, Kevin Jiokeng, Patrick Lavoisier Wapet, Alain Tchana, Gaël Thomas, Daniel Hagimont, Gilles Muller, Noel De Palma

Memory Flipping: How NUMA affects virtual machines ?

Djob Mvondo, Boris Teabe, Daniel Hagimont, Noel De Palma


Service to the community

Eurosys'22 Poster co-chair
Artifact Evaluation Committee SOSP'21
Artifact Evaluation Committee OSDI'20
Social Media Team Eurosys'21
Student Volunteer Journées Cloud 2020 (Web designer)
Shadow Program Committee Eurosys'20
Sub-Reviewer IEEE BigData'19
Sub-Reviewer CRI'19
Student Volunteer Compas'18


  • M2 - Security in the Cloud , Polytechnic Yaounde, University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon
  • M1 - Network security in IOT ESIR, University of Rennes 1, France
  • M2 - Cloud Computing ESIR, University of Rennes 1, France
  • L3 - Teaching Fellow for the course ACM Programming 2020, ENS Lyon, France.
    Alongside Bao Bui under the supervision of Eric Thierry ( Checkout the course here.)

  • M1 - Teaching Fellow for the course Distributed Systems 2020, ENS Lyon, France.
    Under the supervision of Eddy Caron

CV of failures

Conference rejects

  • 2025 - ASPLOS (x2)
  • 2024 - Usenix Security (x1), OSDI (x3), ATC (x1), SIGCOMM (x1), NSDI (x3), RAID (x1), SOSP (x1), RAID (x1), AsiaCCS (x1), HPCA (x1), SIGMETRICS (x3), EUROSYS (x2)
  • 2023 - Usenix Security (x1), EUROSYS (x1), ASPLOS (x2), OSDI (x1), SIGMETRICS (x2), SOSP (x2), NSDI (x2), MICRO (x1), SOCC (x1), S&P (x1)
  • 2022 - NDSS (x1), Usenix Security (x2), EUROSYS (x2), OSDI (x2), ASPLOS (x1)
  • 2021 - HOTOS (x1), PLOS(x1), ASPLOS(x1), SIGMETRICS(x1)
  • 2020 - JSS (x1)
  • 2020 - IFIP PERFORMANCE (x1)

  • 2019 - SIGMETRICS (x2), IEEE MICRO (x1)

  • 2018 - OSDI (x2), EUROSYS (x1), ATC (x1)

  • 2017 - EUROSYS (x1)



Apart from research, I love brainstorming on personal projects to improve life quality in my native country, Cameroon. Aside, I enjoy Football, Taekwondo, and playing video games :).

Modified version of resume from startbootstrap